Friday, January 27, 2012

Self Assessment #1

1. 1. I’m doing really well in the class so far. It’s a lot of work, but I’ve been learning a lot about how to analyze and critical think about education and the school system. I’ve been learning on how to find claims, I’m still not at the point where I know exactly what I’m doing but I feel more confident when it comes to analyzing work from different writers.

2. 2. I really want to learn how to do claims better and learn how to write a good claim. I’m pretty good at finding claims but I still struggle a bit with that and I wish we could go over it a bit more and hopefully that would help me in picking out claims and writing them more in my own work. I haven’t figured out yet how to combine them in my own work and how to really write something solid and something that other people will be able to identify as a good solid claim to support the rest of my paper.

3. 3. I’m hoping to be able to get better at writing thesis statements. I’ve been doing this for a really long time, or I should say teachers have been trying to teach me how to write a real solid thesis statement, but I haven’t really been confident or successful enough to feel good about when I’m writing a critical thinking paper. I am hoping that by the end of this class I’ll be able to really write a good solid thesis, a strong one that would help me further in creating a good solid paper with good claims.

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